Recovering From a Rug(Part 1): Building the first NFT strategy game meant to stay.

Giuseppe Marotta
Crypto Guild Wars
Published in
7 min readMar 14, 2022


Hello folks, another week has passed since my previous newsletter and I’ve come up with tons of important things that I wanted to share with all of you. Since I’ve been helping the snails for the past weeks I wanted to take the time to give some details of our game concept (this includes how will snails participate in our ecosystem)and a little bit about how we ended up building this. I do consider that transparency is the best way to build something long-term for the community and I haven’t shared much information about the actual game with everyone. This newsletter will be split in two to avoid making this newsletter too long and less readable.

For those who haven’t been around for a long time, I’m Giuseppe Marotta a Software Engineer with many years of experience that as many of you were rugged in early Dec in an NFT project called Shark Game. After losing quite a lot in that project I started asking myself a lot of things about how many of these projects were taking advantage of a lot of things that common people are not aware of. I knew that with my expertise I was capable enough to build a team and bring real value to the NFT gaming community. I started inviting affected players from many communities that were rugged to our server to help them and start giving them the tools and some useful information about how to spot bad teams or projects while building our solution.

There has been a lot of things that we’ve learned along the way and we are really happy with the quality of community we’re building. We thank everyone who is sending us good vibes and love from the background.

Game Updates

In the last newsletter, I promised that I will focus all my efforts to have something to show this week with a basic UI integrated to start building something that our community can eventually test and play.

Login Screen of our Game. Its available in Android , Mac, Windows Linux and Web.

For the following weeks, it’s going to be our goal to start testing our Game with our contracts and servers.

In this section of the newsletter, I’d like to share a little bit about the Crypto Guild Wars ecosystem and how are the Snails going to be part of the game.

The Game

Crypto Guild Wars is an Auto Chess Game that takes advantage of blockchain technology to hold battles between units in a hex grid fully manage by the blockchain, it’s a real strategy board game where you take your decisions given your luck & fate under the game. I have inspirations from games such as Tibia, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Auto Brawl Chess, Ikariam, OGame, Team Fight Tactics, etc. Battles are held between armies of units that fight until no enemies remain alive remain. Each unit in-game has a probability of dying in battle and losing a soul. Souls act as a safeguard for the actual death event. Losing all your souls means that your unit can’t be protected anymore from deaths and has now the risk to die if these events happen again and it will have to be revived with new stats or burned with multiple dead units for a new unit.


Our units are the classic RPG-inspired model with 5 races (Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves, Humans, and Undeads) and each of them will be minted with a set of stats that will determine how much potential that unit has to become stronger and survive among battles. I wanted to have this feeling of real-life where some people start ahead of others but sometimes due to bad decisions they ended up worst than those who started behind. That’s why every unit has some stats that will try to replicate this feeling of being ahead and also uncertainty.

Units are classified between tiers. Tiers will define how better are your stats compared to other warriors. The better your stats, the highest chances of survival in the Crypto Guild Wars Ecosystem. Units are ranked from S+, S, A, B, C, D, E been S+ the highest tier of all with only 0.1% probability. The better the rank, the better genetics it will have.

Table of probabilities for each unit per pack(These numbers are subject to change prior notice, they are still under test)

Tiers are a good way to have a big perspective of knowing the characteristics of the warrior that it’s gonna be revealed after the waiting period has passed(48hs).

Tier influence

Depending on the tier there will be some changes in attributes like:

  • Souls
  • Death Rate(%)
  • Number of Rolls
  • Sightly Advantage in starting stats depending on the tier.


Class balance is still under discussion because classes directly interact in battles, however, balance is still under discussion and currently in test. Some of the classes under the table are Tanks, Assasins/Warriors, Mages, Archers. There are some specific sub-classes that will only be given to a small population of mages that will be able to generate some in-game units.


Death is a concept that you should always be aware of. Whenever you are playing the game you should understand every single unit that fights have a chance to die in battle. Dying in-game shouldn’t be taken that lightly. As mentioned before Each unit in-game has a probability of dying in battle and losing a soul. Souls act as a safeguard for the actual death event. The idea behind death is to be sure that armies will always be forced to change, having a great army today doesn’t mean that it will stay like it.

Game Stats

Each unit has randomly generated stats that will determine its potential

  • Souls(S): The soul amount will represent the number of times you can die in battle without losing your NFT. The shield can be replenished using consumables generated only by the Druid/Alchemist subclass (5% of the population approximately). Having this number high means that this unit will have better chances of long-term survivability in the game.
  • Soul Refills(SR): SR refers to the number of remaining consumables that the unit can use to refill its souls to avoid death. Once SR reaches 0, there is no way to refill shields, therefore you should decide wisely on what kind of consumable you should use in each unit. Each consumable refills a specific amount of souls. The rarer the consumable, the higher amount of souls that get restored.
  • Death Rate(DR): This is one of the most important attributes in the game. The death rate is a percentage stat that will be triggered each time you lose a match. There are 2 scenarios for the death rate to trigger. If the match is between 50% less of the leaderboard, the DR that will be used in the final calculation will be DR halved, otherwise If the match was between the top 50% of the armies, the DR will remain the same. Each time a unit dies in battle, there is a DR chance for the unit to receive a deadly wound and die in the match.
  • Remaining Rolls (RR): This will define how many remaining rolls are left for this unit. Units will be able to roll their stats and gain levels given the different options from our Gacha-Machines. Machines will define a different set of options and probabilities that the user will have to consider prior to consuming a roll on it.

Battle Stats

Each of our warriors will come with different stats that will decide the outcome of each round.

For our battle stats, we are using the classic attack, mp,spd, hp, and two skills that need to be unlocked at specific levels. We’re currently testing critical hits given some specific dice roll and an additional stat but as I mentioned many times this is under tests to be sure we are building things right. Battle systems are always hard to balance at the beginning and will require a lot of simulations and beta testing from our community.

Where will snails come into play?

Since I love the snails really much and I was already thinking about this concept of pets over each army. They will be included as a special type of unit(Pets)in the ecosystem. Pets will be a unique unit per army that will spawn randomly in any part of the map and become luckily become a target or change the outcome of the battle. Pets will have the same stats as a normal unit and will have the same triggers and actions available as a normal unit with the only difference being that they will randomly spawn in the map instead of a specific location.

There is a lot of things I’d like to talk about however I will stop here and continue on next week’s newsletter while I give a reward to those who stayed up until here but first I’d like to invite you all to our Discord. It helps us a lot to increase the visibility and trust of the community. I am against buying discord followers because I believe that the most valuable thing about a project like this is its community and the transparency over it.

Hope everyone is safe,

Giuseppe (seppemarotta)



Giuseppe Marotta
Crypto Guild Wars

Computer Scientist, Techno Producer & Gamer I’m the Lead Dev & Founder of Crypto Guild Wars, the first Auto Chess NFT Strategy On-Chain Game.